December 11th 2016

The Third Sunday of Advent  11th December 20016 Mass Intentions                                                          Ballinlough                       Sat.  10th Dec  8pm   Tom and James Frain, Cloonlative Patrick & Margaret Finan, Foxboro Michael Burke, Foxboro.  Anniv Tues.13th Dec.10am   James & Annie Foley, their daughter Rachel and son Kevin, Castlerea Wed.14th Dec 10am   Mass for all the people of the parish Sat.  17th […]
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November 20th 2016 Newsletter

The Thirty Fourth Sunday of The Year   20th November 2016                                                                Feast of Christ The King. Mass Intentions      Ballinlough                     Sun    20th    Nov. 11am     Jim Kelly, Ballinlough 13th Anniv.                                            Christina & John Mc Greal, Carrick. Mary Ann & John Faherty, Inishmore, Aran Islands. Alan Faherty. Rita Dowling, Leixlip, Co. Kildare.                                            Holy Souls.  Tues 22nd […]
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November 13th 2016 Newsletter

The Thirty Third Sunday of The Year 13th November 2016 Mass Intentions            Ballinlough                       Sun.    13th    Nov. 11am     Holy Souls. Tues.  15h     Nov. 10am     Holy Souls. Wed.  16th      Nov. 10am     Mass for all the people of the Parish. Sun    20th    Nov. 11am     Jim Kelly, Ballinlough 13th Anniv.                                            Christina & John Mc Greal, Carrick. Mary Ann […]
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