Newsletter March 15th

St Patrick’s Day Greeting

Beannachtai na Feile Padraig oraibh go leir.
I wish each and every one of you a happy and enjoyable St Patrick’s Day. May its blessings be upon you: the blessings and prayers of the great Saint himself and of all the Saints that lived in our land. I welcome home all who have come to spend St Patricks Day with us. I hope they have an enjoyable time with their families and friends. I wish success to all the programmes and events that take place in the parish. They all contribute to the enjoyment of this day in honour of our Patron Saint, St Patrick.
Sat 14 Mar 8pm.
Maureen and Luke Browne, Mtn Lower, Anniv.
Eugene Daly, Anniversary, Ballinlough and also
Tom and Ellen Grennan, Loughill.
Eddie Regan, Ballinlough, 1st Anniversary.
Michael Kenny, 5th Anniversary, Carrick and the deceased members of the Mulrennan and Kenny families. Terry Golding, deceased 8/9/2014, cousin and Jim O Grady, dec’d 26/9/2014, brother in law. Tommy Mulrennan, 2nd Anniversary, brother and Frank Mac Fadden, 2nd Anniversary, brother in law.
Mon 16 Mar 8pm
Eve of St Patrick’s Day
Wed 18 Mar 10am
Brigid and Tom Cregg, Cloonlough – Anniversary.
Sat 21 Mar 8pm.
Michael Kelly, Meelick – Anniversary.
Tommy Joe & Kathleen Forde and their Son Tommy, Loughill

Eucharistic Ministers:
Church Readers
Ballinlough Church:
Sat 21 Mar 8 pm.

Frank Moran
Christina Gormley
Mary Carr/Sinead Tarmey

Granlahan Church:
Sun 22 Mar 12 noon.
Ann Hett/John Caulfield
Conor Flynn/Thomas Coffey
Offertory Collections:
Sat & Sun 14th and 15th March
Ballinlough: €432 Granlahan: €950

Times of Masses for Feast of St Patrick’s Day
Ballinlough – Monday 16th March @ 8pm
Cloonfad – Tuesday 17th March @ 10.30am
Granlahan – Tuesday 17th March @ 12 noon

Sun 15 Mar 12 noon
Bernard and Annie Delaney and deceased members of the family.
Seamus McDonnell, Moynullagh, Castlebar, Anniv.
Caroline Caulfield, Coraslustia, 1st Anniv.
Tom Burke and his wife Anne and their son Thomas Oliver and deceased members of the Burke family, Coraslutia.
Bob Neary, Milltown, 14th Anniversary, and his parents Michael and Margaret Neary, also his sister Helen Yafee who died recently in Manchester.
Padraig McGuire, 4th Anniversary, and his parents John and Margaret McGuire and his Uncle Martin McGuire, Barrinagh.
Tues 17 Mar 12 noon
John and Mary Burke, Grange – Anniversary.
Austin and Delia Fitzmaurice, Clydaugh, 13th & 7th Anniv.
Fri 20 Mar 10am
Private intention.
Sun 22 Mar 12 noon
Johnny Knight and is wife Mary, Grange – Anniversary.
Patrick, Margaret and Martin Caulfield, Coraslutia.
Margaret Griffin, late of Lisnagroobe, M.M.
John Doherty, Ballyglass – Anniversary.

St Patrick’s Day: To celebrate St Patrick’s Day the children from Granlahan School will play traditional music at the 12 o clock mass in Granlahan Church.

Mothers Day: As this Sunday is Mother’s Day, we wish all Mothers a very happy and enjoyable Feast Day. I hope you have a lovely day with your families.

Confirmation: Archbishop Michael Neary will visit our parish on Wednesday 25th March to confirm our children. We welcome him to the parish. The ceremony takes place in St Patrick’s Church, Granlahan at 12 noon.
Please pray for the repose of the soul of John Tolan, Donegal, brother of Anne McHugh, Carraghs and Catherine Mullen, Cloonlee.
Parish Pastoral Councils: I wish to thank all the members of the Parish Pastoral Councils who attended the Council meeting on Tuesday evening last.

Cash for Clobber: Carrick NS is having a Cash for Clobber fundraising collection on Friday 20th March. Please drop in any unwanted clothes, shoes, bags etc to the school before that date. Many thanks for your continued support.

Fr. Benny McHale will give a talk on Lent and Easter in the Community Centre, Granlahan on Wednesday 18th March at 8pm. Everybody is welcome and invited to this talk. I would ask parents/guardians of children receiving First Holy Communion and Confirmation to attend if possible.
Granlahan Fun Run on Sat 28th March @ 12 noon. €10 or €20 per family. Prizes and refreshments on the day. Your support will be greatly appreciated.
Active Retirement meeting on Friday 20th March @ 3pm in Granlahan Community Centre. All members are requested to attend as a guest speaker will attend and the topic is ‘mindfulness’.
Ballyhaunis Community School Class Reunion for the leaving cert class of 1985 will be held on Sunday 31st May ‘bank holiday weekend’. More details to follow.
Easter Confessions: We will have the usual Easter confessions after all masses on Palm Sunday weekend.
Cloonfad St Patrick’s Day parade takes place on Tues @ 3pm – Please support.

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