June 21st 2015 Newsletter

Mass Times: Granlahan Sat. 8pm Cloonfad: Sun. 10.30am   Ballinlough: Sun. 12pm

The Twelfth Sunday of The Year

21st June 2015


Sun 21 June 12noon Eddie Rogan, Ballinlough, 9th anniv.Frank, Catherine & Padraig O’Flynn, Clooncalgy, anniv.

Tom Quinn, Coolougher, anniv.

Margaret & Pat Egan & deceased members of the Egan family, Marystown, anniv.

Austin & Brigid Hopkins & deceased members of their family.

Tue 23 June 10am Private intention


24  June  10am  Mass for all the people of the parish


28 June 12noon Willie Joe Flynn & his wife Noreen & his sister Christine, LoughhillBernie Rogers, Clydagh.
     Eucharistic Ministers: Church Readers:
Ballinlough Church:
Sun 28June 12noon  Marian CartyLoretta Garvey Michael Brehony
Granlahan Church:
Sat 27 June 8pm  Angela KeaveneyTess Ronan School 


Offertory Collections:

Saturday & Sunday 13th & 14th June

Ballinlough: €580.              Granlahan: €582.



Monday 29th June is the feast day of Saints Peter & Paul.

Wednesday 1st July is the feast day of St Oliver Plunkett.



MASS INTENTIONS:                               GRANLAHAN

Sat 20 June 8pm Tom BaileyWillie Greene & his parents Patrick & Rose, Rathlena

Paddy, Mary & Catherine Noonan, Ballybeg, anniv.

Matt & Margaret Raftery & deceased members of the family, Clogher

Fri 26  June 10am Same Mass intentions as Saturday
Sat 27 June 8pm Denis Finnegan, CoolnahaMargaret McGuire, anniv   & her husband John & son Padraig & her nephew Neil, Barrinagh


Pilgrimage to Fatima with a Spiritual Director on August 27th for 7 nights. Limited availability. Contact John B at 09328337 or Therese at 012410822


Pilgrimage to Holy Land on October 12th for 8 nights.   Contact Therese at 012410822


Social Media Classes will commence on Thursday 25th June at 11am in the Time Out Café, Ballinlough. Topics covered are skype, viber, email, paying bills on line, booking tickets etc. Contact 087 9453043


Pray for the repose of the soul of Cormac Flynn, Cloonbonniffe, brother of Mary Frayne, Station Road, who died recently.


Blood Donor Clinic on Tuesday 23rd June fromn 5.00pm – 8.30pm in the Connacht G.A.A. Centre, Ballyhaunis, Co Mayo


Many thanks to everyone who attended and helped with the retirement party for Ms Peggy Cheevers.

Inter –Village Quiz in Campbells Lounge Friday 26June 9pm.

Get your team ready. Proceeds in aid of Tidy Towns.


The Summer Collection for the support of the priest of the parish will be taken up on 27th /28th June at all Masses.

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