December 20th 2015

The Fourth Sunday of Advent   –            20th December 2015

Christmas Greeting

I wish to extend Christmas greetings and blessings to you all. I hope Christmas will be a happy and peaceful time for everyone.   May the many blessings of Christmas be present in all your homes.   I wish to welcome home all the members of your families and your friends who have come to spend Christmas in our parish. I hope that you all enjoy the season of goodwill together.   We remember especially in our Christmas prayers any members of your families that may be ill or in hospital at this time.   Christmas can be a lonely time for individuals and families who have lost a loved one during the year.   You are all very much in our prayers this Christmas, may the peace of Christmas be with you.

Mass Intentions                                                                     Ballinlough

Sat.         19th Dec.   8pm     James Fitzmaurice, Churchboro 7th Anniv.

Fr. Noel Winston, Marystown and South Africa.

Margaret Kerrigan Anniv. and also Bill and William Kerrigan.

Thomas and Nora Winston, Marystown. Anniv.

Ned and Kate Judge, Cloonlough. Anniv.

Patrick & Teresa Connell and decd.members of Connell and Steadman families

John and Mary Kate Carty, Mountain.   Anniv.

Matt and Mary Leonard, Tubbercurry. Anniv

Marie Galvin 6th Anniv.

Tues.      22nd Dec. 10am   Private Intention

Wed.       23rd Dec. 10am   Mass for all the people of the parish.

Thurs.    24th Dec. 8.15pm Christmas Eve.

Fri.         25th Dec 10.30am Christmas Day.

Sat.         26th Dec.     8pm   Feast of The Holy Family.

Decd. Members of the Kelly family, Carrick East.

Vincent Kelly, Cloonlough. 4th Anniv.

Martin Byrne and Pakie Greally, Mountain Upper. Anniv.

Tom Reilly, Clydaugh. Anniv.

John Joe Waldron. Anniv wife Kathleen, son Eugene. Clooncrim

Offertory Collection& Saturday & Sunday12th & 13th Dec

 Ballinlough: € 395                                         Granlahan:€505


Eucharistic Ministers                             Ballinlough                      Church Readers

Kitty Murphy/Nancy Flynn                 Christmas Eve. 8.15pm            Sarah Flynn/Emer Forde

Mary Finan/Kathleen McLaughlinn   Christmas Day. 10.30am           Cian Cunningham

Teresa Cunningham/Maria Cregg       Saturday 26th Dec. 8pm       Roisin Hussey/Róisin Byrne


Maura Caulfield/John Maloney              Christmas Eve.  7pm           Sean Burke/Kevin Neenan

John Caulfield/Mary Ruane                    Christmas Day. 11.30am     No reader

Mary Birmingham/Angela Keaveney     Sun. 27th Dec. 12 noon           Ann Bailey



Mass Intentions                                                                             Granlahan

Sun.        20th Dec. 12 noon Tom and Anne Ronan, Grange

Michael Griffin and his wife Mary and deceased members of the  family.

Margaret and Thomas Burke.

John Murray, Granlahan. Anniv.

Patrick Naughton, Grange. Anniv

          Teresa Jennings, Kiltullagh. Anniv.

Jim Conroy, Coraslustia and deceased members of the Conroy  Family.

John Ruane, Lisnagrobe. 3rd Anniv.

Thurs.     24th Dec. 7pm       Christmas Eve

Fri.          25th Dec.11.30amChristmas Day

Sun.        27th Dec. 12 noon Feast of The Holy Family.

Mary Delia Mannion Anniv. her husband Tom, their daughter Mary Jordan and her husband David.

Times of Masses for Christmas Eve and Christmas Day

Ballinlough: Christmas Eve 8.15pm                                              Christmas Day 10.30am

Granlahan: Christmas Eve     7pm                                                Christmas Day 11.30am

Cloonfad:     Christmas Eve      7pm                                                Christmas Day 10.30am  


Christmas Confessions: We hope to have the usual Christmas confessions after the week-end masses on 19/20th Dec.   Please God many people will avail of this sacrament of God’s mercy.   The church’s Year of Mercy has just begun.

Christmas Day Adoration: We hope to have an hour of Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament as usual on Christmas Day from 5pm-6pm.

Christmas Collection: The Christmas collection for the support of the priest of the parish will be taken up at all Christmas Masses.

For the Christmas Season, I will visit the sick and the house bound as usual on Thursday 22nd December as follows:

Ballinlough Tues 22nd Dec. 10.30am,
Granlahan 22nd Dec. 11am,
Cloonfad Tues. 22nd Dec 2.30pm

Ballinlough Senior Citizens Christmas party will be held on Sunday 20th December at 2.30pm in Campbells Lounge. All senior citizens welcome

Granlahan Card winners: 1st Mary Birmingham, Kevin Devaney, Stephen Doherty, Gerry Coffey, 2nd Tommy Winston, Tom Finnegan, 3rd Gerald Vizard, Michael Hussey. Raffle winners, Gerald, Maureen Burke, Martin Caulfield, Jarlath Keaveney, Stephen Doherty. Monday night is the last card game of 2015.   All welcome.   Thank you all for your support.

Prayer before Christmas Dinner

God of all gifts, we thank you for the many ways you have blessed us this day.   We are grateful to you for gathering us around this table.   We ask you to bless us, and our food and to bless those we love who are not with us today.   In our gratitude and love, we remember your humble birth into our world and we pray for those who are without enough to eat.   We remember the stable in which you were born and pray for those who have no place to call home.   We remember your challenging message of caring and giving, and pray for peace in families and nations throughout the world.   We bless you and give you thanks in your Spirit who brings our hearts to life this Christmas Day and forever.   Amen




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