October 2nd 2016 Newsletter

The Twenty Seventh Sunday of The Year          2nd October 2016

Mass Intentions                                                          Ballinlough                      

Sun.  2nd Oct.  11am   Brendan Joyce, The Avenue.  Anniv.

Brigid Keaveney, nee Swanick, Cashlieve, her husband Thomas and their son Kevin.

Jimmy Hayden, Clooninsla.  2nd Anniv.

Brigid Gaffey, Islasnds, Anniv. her husband John and deceased members of the family.

Tues. 4th Oct.  10am    Mass for all the people of the parish.

Wed. 5th Oct.  10am     Special Intention.

Sun.   9th Oct.  11am    Patricia Connell, 2nd Anniv. Carraghs

Patrick & Gertie Lyons, Carrick    Anniv.


  Offertory Collection:  Sat & Sun. 24th & 25th September

           Ballinlough:  €420   Granlahan:  €426


      Eucharistic Ministers                                                     Church Readers


Ann Carr/Christina Gormley        Sun 9th  Oct. 11am               Siobhain Connell


Mary Gormley(B)/Ann Hett          Sun 9th Oct. 12 noon     Jack Sullivan/Darragh Flynn


Autumn Collection for support of the priest of the parish will be taken up on the week-end of 8/9th October.

Care of the Churches

Ballinlough:  Many thanks to the people of Carrick East, Coolatinney, Clydaugh and Loughill who looked after the flowers during the month of September.   Would the people of Coolougher, Churchborough and Fort Augustus take care of them during the month of October, please.

Granlahan:  Many thanks to Group D who cared for the church during the month of September.   Would Group A: Deirdre Quinn, Moira Sweeney, Maura Burke, Erica Sweeney, Yvonne Ryan, Gráinne Keaveney look after it during the month of October, please.

First Friday CallsI will attend the sick and housebound as usual on the First Friday of this month.   Ballinlough: Fri. 7th Oct. 10.30am,  Granlahan:  Fri. 7th Oct. 11am,  Cloonfad:  Fri. 7th Oct. 2.30pm.

Mass Intentions                                                         Granlahan

Sun.  2nd Oct. 12 noon             John and Delia Maloney

Elizabeth Lyons, Anniv. and her husband William, Pollinea

Fri.   7th Oct.  10am                  Private Intention.

Sun.  9th Oct.  12 noon             Patrrick Ruane

Jim Griffin, Clogher

Mary & Paddy Connolly, Granlahan  Anniv.


Granlahan 25 Card Game:  The long nights are beginning to draw in, so it’s time to mark the date in your calendar for the long awaited and enjoyable 25 Card Drive in Granlahan Community Centre.  Our first game will be on Monday night 3rd  October at 8.30pm.  So come along and enjoy a lively night of card games.   All are welcome.


Mothers Prayers commences in sacristy of Granlahan Church on Wednesday night at 8.15pm.


Tuam Diocesan Celebration of Marriage Anniversaries .   A special Mass celebrating Marriage Anniversaries will be held in the Cathedral in Tuam on Sunday 16th October at 3pm.   Refreshements following Mass.

Contact mgallagherconnell@gmail.com Tel. 094 9028473, 086 6038483


Western Care Association is celebrating its 50th Anniversary.   A special Mass celebrated by His Grace, The Most Rev. Dr. Michael Neary will be held on Thursday 6th Oct @ 12 noon.  Refreshments afterwards in St. John’s Rest & Care Centre.


Computer/Internet & Email classes for people who are in full time or part time employment i.e. Skills for Work Programme with GRETB (Former VEC), Patrick Street, Castlerea. This course commences on Monday 3rd October from 7pm to 9.30pm. For further details please contact 0860451427. Basic Computer classes also available for beginners.


Aerobics with Patricia takes place every Monday night in Glavey’s Community Centre from 7.30-8.30pm.   An opportunity to get active and improve your fitness.   Pay as you go: €7.   Prepay option also available for €6.  Beginners and new members very welcome.  Enquiries: 087 2846804


Time Out Café Events:  Social media classes on Saturday @ 11am. Topics covered: email, skype, viber banking uploading photos etc . Contact 087 9453043, yoga on Thursday @ 7.30pm with tutor Bridie Lyons, Crochet and knitting on Wednesday from 3-5pm.  Line Dancing on Sunday evening @ 7pm.   Beginners welcome.   Contact Mary Kathleen on 086 1763344.


Ballinlough & District Angling Association will host the McEnroe Cup for anglers from 12 to 18 years of age on Lake O Flynn, Ballinlough on Saturday October 8th from 11 a.m. to 3p.m. The competition is open to all young anglers and is free to enter. Lifejackets and boats will be provided by senior anglers and shore fishing is also allowed. As well as the McEnroe Cup there will be lots of valuable prizes on offer including fishing gear. Refreshments will be served. Further details from John Ryan (0872536064

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