25 January 2015
Sat. | 24 | Jan. | 8 pm. | Margaret & James Darcy & deceased members of the family, Coolougher, Anniv. |
Mon. | 26 | Jan. | 10 am. | McLoughlin Masses. |
Sat. | 31 | Jan. | 8 pm. | Deceased members of the Ballinlough Choir.Pake Hunt, Carrick, 6th Anniv. |
Offertory Collections:
Sat & Sun. 17th & 18th Jan.
Ballinlough: € 435. Granlahan: €545.
Eucharistic Ministers: | Church Readers | ||
Ballinlough Church: | |||
Sat. 31 Jan. 8 pm. | Breege ComerBreda Grogan. | School | |
Granlahan Church: | |||
Sun. 1 Feb. 12 noon. | Mary Patterson,John Caulfield. | Cian RuaneKevin Neenan | |
We hope to have the Blessing of St. Brigid’s Crosses on Sunday next, the Blessing of Candles on Monday week 2 Feb. and the Blessing of Throats on the Feast of St. Blaise 3 Feb.
Church Unity Week
The annual week of prayer for Christian Unity will run from 18 – 25 January. On Thursday 22 January at 8 pm. Bishop Brendan Leahy of Limerick will be guest homilist. He will speak on the chosen theme: “Give me to drink” (Jn 4:7.) Bishop Patrick Rooke, Dean Alisdair Grimason and members of the Church of Ireland community have also been invited. All are welcome.
Celebrating the Year for Religious. A mass of thanksgiving for Religious working in the Diocese will be held in Tuam Cathedral on Sunday Feb 1 at 3 pm. Refreshments will be served afterwards in St. Jarleth’s College. You are warmly invited.
Pope Francis Tweet of the Month: “Sunday is the Lord’s Day. Let us find time to be with him.”
Sun. | 25 | Jan. | 12 noon. | Joe Hussey, Castlequarter, Anniv. & deceased members of the Hussey family.Eddie Joe & Colette Burke & deceased members of the family, Cloonfad, Anniv.
John Heneghan, Lowberry, Anniv.John & Julia Murray, Granlahan, Anniv. Patrick & Michael O’Gara & deceased members of the family, Ballyglass. |
Sun. | 1 | Feb. | 12 noon | John, Elizabeth & Margaret Delaney.Teresa Jennings, Kiltullagh, 7th Anniv.Margaret Ruane,Edward & Cecilia Coggins, Corrimbla North, Ballina.
Margaret & John Lyons, Redford. |
Wednesday 11 Feb. is World Day of Prayer for the Sick.
Granlahan Card Game Winners: First Pádraic Gallagher, Keogh Conboy, Frank Neenan, George Cornwall. Second; Gerald Vizard, Michael Hussey. Third; Joe Neenan, Tom Roche. Raffle: Pádraic Gallagher, Maureen Devanney.
Anger Issues: Knock Counselling Service in conjunction with the Irish Association for Anger Management are running a 2 day Anger Management Programme in Knock on Sat. 7 & Sun. 8 April 2015. Contact Peter Devers, regional consultant 094 9375032.
Interested in getting back to work? National Learning Network (NLN) can help with identifying your skills, obtain work experience and build on certification with a one year GRETS funded course. For further information contact Damien on 086 0487104. Fresh Start is a GRETS funded training course for people who wish to explore their work options and update or develop new skills. It is particularly suited to persons on a social welfare allowance with short or long term health difficulties. Contact Regina or Helena at NLN Castlerea on 094 9620374
Western Alzheimers Roscommon is currently recruiting for the position of Care Assistant at their Community Employment Project in County Roscommon. Multiple positions are available throughout the county. Contact Western Alzheimers office in Roscommon for a job description and full details. Tel. 090 6627816. Closing date for applications is Friday 7 February. Please note – Employment Services / DSP CE eligibility criteria apply.
Dunmore Community School. Open evening for incoming first years on Wednesday 28 January 2015 at 7:00 p.m.
Astroturf Plaque at Carrick N.S.
Any other family or individual who would like to contribute €100 to the Astroturf pitch will have their names engraved on a special plaque to be unveiled at the official opening in a few weeks time. Closing date for contributions Friday 13 February 2015. Contact Joan on 086 8053115.