5th July 2015 Newsletter

The Fourteenth Sunday of the Year

5th July 2014



Sun 5th July 12 noon Deceased members of the Garvey family, KiltimaghEileen & Patrick Burke, Clooncrim, anniv.Eddie McHugh, Carraghs, 2nd anniv.

Patrick Kelly, Cloonlough,

Tom & Kate Caulfield, Clooninsla,

Michael & Margaret Kelly, Carraghs.

Tue 7th July 10am Mass for all the people of the parish
Wed 8th July No mass
Sun 12th July 12 noon Jim & Josephine Mc Walter Cloonlee


Eucharistic Ministers:                     Church Reader:

Ballinlough Church:  

Sun 12th July 12 noon Breege Comer                        Sarah Flynn

                                                                                       Breda Grogan           


Granlahan Church:    Mary Patterson          John Coggins

Sat 11th July 8pm        Ann Heit



Sat 4th July 8pm Tommy Caulfield, anniv. & Molly Caulfield, CoraslustiaDavid Kirrane formerly of Ballyglass who died in England recently.Bridie Mulvihill, 10th anniv & her husband John Mulvihill, Ballyglass

Kate & James Kirrane, Ballyglass, anniv.

Fri 10th July No mass
Sat 11th July 8pm Mass for all the people of the parish



Offertory Collections: Sat 27th June & Sunday 28th June

Ballinlough:       €339                            Granlahan:     €390

Sincere thanks to all who contributed to the summer collection for the support of the priest of the parish.

Please return CHY4 forms regarding tax relief for donations to the church as soon as possible.

Next Saturday is The Feast of St Benedict, patron of Europe.

The new schedule regarding mass times comes into force on the first week-end of August.

As the school year comes to a close in all our National schools, we hope all our children and their families enjoy the summer holidays. We wish best of luck and God’s guidance and blessing on the pupils who will be leaving our schools and starting at new second level schools in September.

The annual Sports Day will take place in Granlahan this year as usual. Sport days of this kind are special events in the parish and surrounding areas, not many communities host such sport days. So give this Granlahan Sports Day your support and volunteer to help out in any way you can. Everyone’s support is much appreciated.

Multiple health care positions available on Community Employment Projects throughout Roscommon. Contact 0871272840 for details. Positions available – care assistants, homecare support workers, and programme assistants.

Pilgrimages to Holy Land on October 12th for 8 nights also Pilgrimage to Fatima on August 27th for 7 nights. Both pilgrimages with their own spiritual director. Contact John B at 09328337 or Therese at 012410822

Interested in gaining skills to get a job? If so the National Learning Network can help with obtaining work experience, CV & career preparation skills while gaining FETAC awards, open to people in receipt of Social Welfare payment. Full details from 0949620374 or 0860217534.

Irish Wheelchair Association will be holding their annual church gate collection on Saturday 4th & Sunday 5th July. Your support would be gratefully appreciated.

The Priory Institute courses on Theology Matters join our enthusiastic student community and study theology from home. For further details contact 014048124 or email enquiries@prioryinstitute.com Application deadline is 21st September 2015

Granlahan Sports committee are holding a meeting on Monday 6th July at 9.30pm in the community centre Granlahan. New members are most welcome. Sports Day will take place on Sunday 2nd August.

Ballinlough Youth Café fund raising initiative: To ensure continued financing to meet ongoing costs of operating the Ballinlough Youth Café, the management committee intends to run a “Baron/Baroness of Ballinlough” competition, with volunteer candidates asked to sell €2 raffle lines – the person who raises the most money earns the title. At this stage we are asking anyone interested in volunteering to run as a candidate to contact us before Friday 17 July, for further details. We intend to launch the competition and declared candidates on Friday 24 July 2015, with the winning candidate to be revealed on October bank holiday weekend.

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