November 13th 2016 Newsletter

The Thirty Third Sunday of The Year

13th November 2016

Mass Intentions            Ballinlough                      

Sun.    13th    Nov. 11am     Holy Souls.

Tues.  15h     Nov. 10am     Holy Souls.

Wed.  16th      Nov. 10am     Mass for all the people of the Parish.

Sun    20th    Nov. 11am     Jim Kelly, Ballinlough 13th Anniv.

                                           Christina & John Mc Greal, Carrick.

Mary Ann & John Faherty, Inishmore, Aran Islands.

Alan Faherty.

Rita Dowling, Leixlip, Co. Kildare.

Offertory Collection:  Sat & Sun 5th& 6thNovember

Ballinlough:  €865   Granlahan:  €390

Eucharistic Ministers            Ballinlough                       Church Readers

                                                            20th Nov 11am

Maria Cregg                                            Michael McGreal                                                                       

            Teresa Markham                                                                                                                                                                        


                                                  Sun 20th Nov 12 noon

Mary Patterson                                                                                Roísín Ruane

           John Maloney                                                                           Grace O’ Gara


A meeting of the Ballinlough Parish Pastoral Council will be held next Wednesday 16th November at 8 pm in Parish Hall.


Granlahan Senior Citizens Party: The Granlahan Senior Citizens Party will be on Sunday December 4th. Starting with mass at 2pm. A Church gate collection for the Granlahan Senior Citizens party will be taken up on Sunday 27th November.


Granlahan Community Centre are holding a meeting on Thursday night 17th November at 9pm.


Value your vote! Check the Draft Register by Friday 25th November 2016.

The Draft Register of Electors is on display at Roscommon County Council Offices, Libraries, Head Post Offices, Head Garda Stations or online at until 25th November 2016. If on 15th February 2017 you are aged 18 or over check that your name, address and other details are present and correct on the Draft Register. If there is a mistake, please tell Roscommon County Council, before 25th November 2016. For further info please call (090) 6637368/147 or email .


Mayo Cardiac Support Group will hold its next meeting on Thursday 24th November 2016, from 7- 9pm in Hotel Westport, Newport Road, Westport. This meeting is open to anyone who has heart disease, and their family members / carers. Topic: “Taking control of your Blood Pressure” Guest Speaker: Dr. Faisal Sharif, Consultant Cardiologist, University Hospital Galway. Admission is free of charge. No booking required.

For further information, contact Ailish Houlihan, Croí Nurse on 094 90 49172.

Mass Intentions              Granlahan

Sun.  13th Nov.     12 noon                  Andy & Sarah Bailey and deceased members of the    Bailey family.  Anniv.

Patrick & Rose Greene Anniv and their son Willie, Rathlena.

Eileen Conroy, 1st Anniv Coraslustia.

James Caulfield, Grange and their Grandchildren, Pamela & Martin.

Thomas Burke & his wife Ann Burke and their son Thomas Oliver, & deceased members of the Burke family

Coraslustia – Anniv.

Dan Morgan, Betal 9th Anniv and his nephew Owen Morgan, who died recently.

Fri.  18th Nov.      10am                       Holy Souls.

Sun  20th Nov.       12noon                  Catherine & Charles Hett and deceased members of the    Hett family.

                                                          Pat & Mary Kate Harte and their daughter

                                                          Catherine Lyttle, Clogher.

                                                                Mary & John Jennings, Cornabanny and deceased    Members of the Jennings family.


The Ceremony of light in preparation for receiving the Sacrament of Confirmation is being celebrated in Ballinlough and Granlahan churches this Sunday. Many thanks to all who prepared the Children and who took part in the Ceremony itself.


Grandparents Mass: A special mass to remember all our Grandparents, to honour them and pray for them will be celebrated in Ballinlough and Granlahan churches on Sunday 27th November. Ballinlough at 11 am & Granlahan at 12 noon. All Grandparents inside and outside of the Parish are invited to attend. Refreshments will be served after mass.


The Ceremony of light for Children receiving First Holy Communion will be held in Ballinlough and Granlahan churches on Sunday 20th November at the usual times.


Church Cleaner: A part time cleaner is required for the Church of St. Patrick’s Granlahan. Contact Fr. Joe Feeney for application form and more details.


Many thanks to all those who attended the meeting on last Wednesday night in regard to the cleaning of the church. Many thanks and gratitude also to all who cleaned the church down through the years. It was a generous and faithful service to the Church.


Granlahan 25 Card Game Results:

1st   Mary Bermingham & Pat. Devanne.

2nd  Francis Conroy & Sean Caulfield.

3rd  Paddy Conroy & Jack Griffin.

Raffle winners:

Padraic Campbell  & Paddy Conroy.


Active Retirement meeting on Tues 15th November at 3pm in Granlahan Community Centre, all current & new members welcome.


Please pray for the repose of the soul of Sr. Pauline Hebron, London. R.I.P.

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