September 4th Newsletter 2016

The Twenty Third Sunday of The Year        4th September 2016

Mass Intentions                                                          Ballinlough

Sun.   4 Sept.  11am            Bill Kerrigan, Anniv, Margaret & Willian Kerrigan, Cloonlee

Malachy & Delia McGuire and their son Michael, Foxoboro.Anniv.

Tues. 6 Sept.  10am           Mass for all the people of the parish.

Wed. 7 Sept.  10am             Private intention.

Sun. 11Sept.  11am            Mary, Martin & Phil Vizard, Mountain Upper.   Anniv.

Michael & Brigid Regan, Frenchpark and deceased members of the Regan family.

Michael Caulfield, Wolverhampton (brother of Martin Caulfield, Clooninsla), who died recently in England.

Jack and Margaret Flatley, their son Martin and granddaughter Elaine


Offertory Collection:  Sat & Sun. 27th & 28th August

Ballinlough:  €581   Granlahan:  €360


      Eucharistic Ministers                                                                                  Church Readers


Peter Baggott/Margaret McDermott                                                                        Patrick Carr/Jack Cloney


John Maloney/Maura Caulfield                                                               Conor Coll/Kevin Neenan





Irish Water will be providing information, and an update on the upgrade to the Ballinlough Public Water Supply Scheme at the Enterprise Kiltullagh Ltd building in Ballinlough on Monday night 5th of September at 8.15pm.   All interested are welcome to attend.


Parish Finance Committee:  There will be a meeting of the Parish Finance Committee on Wednesday 7th Sept. @ 8.30 in Granlahan Church.


Hospice Support Group:  Meeting in O’Connors, Ballinlough on Monday 5th September @ 8.30pm.   New members welcome.


Mass Intentions                                                         Granlahan

Sun. 4  Sept. 12 noon                          Bernard & Catherine Raftery

                                                            Mae O’Gara, Ballyglass.  M.M.

                                                            Tommy Sweeney, Glanties.  M.M. 

Fri.   9   Sept. 10am                            Private Intention

Sun. 11  Sept. 12 noon                                    Patrick Ruane (Jn)


Please pray for the repose of the soul of Pat Mullarkey, wife of the late Bernard Mullarkey, Ballybeg, who died in England recently. R.I.P.


The Sacrament of Confirmation will be celebrated in our parish next year.   The date of the ceremony is Wednesday 22nd March @ 12 noon in The Church of the Immaculate Conception, Ballinlough.


The Autumn Collection for the support of the priest of the parish will be taken up on the week-end of 8/9 October


Mission Sunday is celebrated on Sunday 23rd October.                                            


GRETB Adult Education Centre, Castlerea are holding a registration day on Tuesday 6th September for a variety of courses. Times:  11am-1pm, 2pm-4pm, 6pm-7pm.   All courses are free.   More information:  Contact Irene Greene @ 086 0451427.   Email


National Grandparents Pilgrimage to Knock Shrine, Sunday 11th Sep..   Chief Celebrant Archbishop Michael Neary.   Mass at 3pm followed by Rosary.


Monastic Experience Day: The Poor Clares vocations promotions team are holding a monastic experience day on 17th Sept for young women who might be interested in the Poor Clare way of life.   Contact:  Poor Clares, Galway


Christmas Pilgrimage to the Holy Land from 19th -27th December.   Contact: James Treacy at 061 921470 or 086 0572216


Lough Derg one day retreats on 10th,12th,13th,17th,18th, 24th Sept.   A Day of Friendship & Prayer 14th Sept., Living with Suicide, Wed.21st Sept.   Advance booking essential for all retreats.  Contact: 071 9861518


Knock Counselling Centre will be hosting a five week Emotional Wellbeing Course on Tuesday evenings facilitated by Lisa-Anne Campbell, counsellor and psychotherapist.   The course explores how to recognise our feelings, deal with stress, manage changes in our lives more effectively and find our best selves while living more fulfilling and authentic lives .   €50 per person for five week course, 7-8.30pm, 27th September.   Book:  Knock Counselling Centre @ 094 9375032 or email:


Brickens Community Centre are holding their anniversary card game on Tuesday 6th September @ 9pm sharp.   All are welcome.


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