Newsletter 17th May 2015

Seventh Sunday of Easter

17th May 2015

The Ascension of The Lord.


Sun 17 May 12 noon Tom, Peggy & Vincent Coll, Clooninsla. Anniv.









Kathleen & James Gormley, Cloonlough. Anniv.

Frank Beirne, Ballinlough. Anniversary.

John Gaffney, Carraghs. 4th Anniversary.

Andrew Byrne, Stonepark. M.M.

Eucharistic Ministers: Church Readers:
Ballinlough Church:
Sun 24th May   12 noon Kathleen McLoughlin,

Teresa Cunningham.

Barry Forde,

Killien Brehony.

Granlahan Church
   Sat 23th May 8pm Angela Keaveney,

Tess Ronan.

Connor Coll,

Kevin Neenan.


The Rosary is being recited in all our churches during the month of May in honour of Mary the Mother of God.

Jack & Jill Community Playgroup will be holding their open evening Tue 19th May 7pm-8pm. For anyone intending in enrolling for the new school term. Call In to meet the staff and enjoy refreshments in our warm and well equipped premises which meets the needs of Early Childhood development and learning. For enquiries call Sylvia 086 1982036.

Monster Summer Fundraising Draw for Jack & Jill Community playgroup will be held at a fundraising event in the Tap Bar Sun. 2nd August. Tickets for a Heifer are available in pubs and shops in Ballinlough or at playschool. Your support is greatly appreciated for this valuable Service in the Community. For enquiries 086 1982036.

Annual Pilgrimage to Kiltullagh Hill takes place Sun. 24th May with Mass at 4pm.

Archbishop Eamon Martin in Lourdes – “When we pray for and speak up for the institution of Marriage as it has been understood across cultures and down the ages we are not trying to hurt or offend anyone. Thank God in his great mercy. He loves all of us equally and so should we… we want to protect and promote the uniqueness of that special relationship between a wife, her husband and their children which is sanctified by our creator, endorsed by Jesus, and which is such a powerful and prophetic beacon of hope for society.”

MASS INTENTIONS:                         GRANLAHAN

Sat. 16 May 8pm John & Monica Connolly, and deceased members of the Connolly Family, Ballyglass. Anniv.
Fri. 22 May 10am Mass for the People of the Parish.
Sat . 23 May 8 pm Michael Ruane, Granlahan.

Art Competition organised by Ballinlough Youth Café. Theme is “Open”.Art, sculpture, photography, creative writing, poetry. Application forms available at the Youth Café, Ballinlough. Closing date & receipt of entries 29th May from 7-9pm in the Time Out Café.

A special meeting will be held in The Youth Café, Ballinlough on 27th May @ 8.30 pm. to put plans in place for the 2016 celebration. Ritchie Farrell, the representative from Roscommon County Council who is co-ordinating this special event for the County will be present. All are welcome.

Active retirement meeting will take place Tue. 19th May at 3pm. in Granlahan Community Centre. Existing & new members welcome.

B.C.S.Class reunion 1985 will be held Sun. 31st May. If you wish to attend, contact with the Committee asap as the deadline has passed.

Cuddles & Care Crèche, Cloonfad, are holding a Summer Camp for 3-5 year olds 6th -10th July, 6-9 year olds 13th -17th July. Dance, Crafts, Music, Bouncing Castles, Arts etc. Contact 094 9646246.

We pray Gods Blessings on all our children, their families and teachers who are receiving the sacraments this year, the sacrament of confessions, confirmation and the First Holy Communion. We congratulate them all and wish them God’s help and blessing in their lives now and in the future.

The Annual Sponsored walk to raise funds for Granlahan School will take place on Sun. May 24th @ 3pm.Refreshmenrts afterwards in the Community Centre. All support greatly appreciated.

Cleaner required for Carrick N.S. Closing Date for applications Tue. 26th May. Contact 094-9640411 for more   details.


Marriage Preparation courses 11th & 12th Sept, 9th & 10th Oct. Contact 094-9022214.
Archbishop Michael Neary – Our Christian view of Marriage properly explained and understood is not in any way disrespectful of people who experience same-sex attraction. As a Church we believe every person is equal in the sight of God and should always be treated with love, dignity and respect.

The Job Club are running a job seeking skills course in the community centre, Cloonfad starting Tue 26th May 10am -2pm each day. Contact Mary 094-9862373.

World Communication Day message from Pope Francis – In the Family we learn to support and embrace one another, to discern the meaning of facial expressions, and moments of silence, to laugh and cry together with people who did not chose one another yet are so important to each other. On Pentecost weekend, we have our Diocesan-wide Adoration – 33 hours in memory of Our Lords years. It’s in Tuam beginning after 10am mass in the Cathedral on Sat. 23rd and ending on Sun.24th with Mass at 7pm. The adoration itself will be in St. Jarleth’s Chapel for which we are deeply grateful to all in the College.

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