The Twenty Third Sunday of The Year – 3rd September 2017 WEEKEND MASS TIMES Ballinlough: Sun. 11am Granlahan: Sun. 12 noon Cloonfad: Sat. 8pm Priests in Cluster Parishes Aughamore: 094 9667024/964949002 Ballyhaunis: 094 9630006 Bekan: 094 9380202 Knock: 094 938810 Mass Intentions Ballinlough Sun. 3rd Sept. 11am Bill Kerrigan, Anniv […]
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Church Newsletters from Granlahan , Ballinlough and Cloonfad in the Parish of Kiltullagh

July 2nd 2017 Newsletter
The Thirteenth Sunday of the Year 2nd July 2017 MASS INTENTIONS: BALLINLOUGH Sun 2nd July 12 noon Eddie Mc Hugh Carraghs 4th anniv. Martin & Ann Kelly Carraghs anniv, and their daughter Bridie. Thomas, Margaret and John Neenan James, Mary, Jimmy and Pat Wallace Kathleen Higgins Michael Brady New Jersey and […]
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June 25th 2017 Newsletetr
The Twelfth Sunday of the Year – 25th June 2017 MASS INTENTIONS: BALLINLOUGH Sun 25th June 12 noon Nan & Rose Donnellan John Gaffey, Anniv. Islands, his wife Bridget & deceased family members. Mary & Tom Brady Tom Quinn, anniv. Coolougher. James & Margaret Mc Dermott, anniv. Clooninsla. Martin Mc Loughlin, Ballinlough, […]
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