The Eighteenth Sunday of the Year – 31st July 2016
31th | July | 12 noon | Andy and Nora Gallagher Mt Lower anniv.
Eithne Gilmartin Srah anniv. Jim and Josephine McWalter Cloonlee Mary and Patrick Farrell Churchboro anniv |
Tue | 2nd | Aug | 10am | Mass for all the people of the parish |
Wed | 3rd | Aug | 10am | Private Intention |
Sun | 7th | Aug | 11am | Ellen and Luke Cregg Cloonlough 2nd & 13th anniv.
Mary and Patrick Kelly and their daughter Catherine and their grand-daughter Catherine. Tom, Margaret and John Neenan, James, Mary and James Jnr anniv. Pat Wallace, Kathleen Higgins Karen Keane Clooncrim 30th anniv & deceased members of the Keane & Barrett families. Michael & Annie Cunningham and deceased members of the family Cloonlough. |
Eucharistic Ministers: Church Reader:
Ballinlough Church:
Mary Larkin John Cregg
Sun 7th Aug 11am Nancy Flynn
Granlahan Church: John Caulfield John Caulfield
Sun 7th Aug 12noon Maura Caulfield
Offertory Collections: Sat 30th July & Sunday 31st July
Ballinlough: €790 Granlahan: €230
Sincere thanks to all who attended the Ballinlough Cemetery mass on Sunday last, to all who helped arrange the alter, seating, to all who took part in the liturgy of the mass itself, thanks to all the members of the Rural Social Scheme who had the cemetery looking so well for the occasion. The day turned out beautiful in the end, a large crowd attended, and it was a lovely occasion for everyone.
Church gate collect in Granlahan church on Sunday 7th Aug for Plan Ireland.
Sat | 30th | July | 8pm
Deceased members of the Jennings family Stonepark
Michael and Nellie Gormley and deceased members of the Gormley family Castlequarter anniv. |
Fri | 5th | Aug | 10am | Private intention |
Sun | 7th | Aug
Charles and Catherine Hett and deceased members of the Hett family.
Joan T. Conry Coraslustia anniv and deceased members of the family. Beatrice Glennon 11th anniv Pat Patterson Ballybane 21st anniv Roddy Greene anniv and his wife Delia and their sons Jarlath and Rory Coraslustia Vincent Greene London and his wife Margaret |
As next Friday is the First Friday of the month I will visit the sick and house bound as usual. Ballinlough: Friday 5th August 10.30am
Granlahan: Friday 5th August 11am
Cloonfad: Friday 5th August 2.30pm
Granlahan Sports Committee are holding a sports meeting in the Granlahan Community Centre Wednesday 3rd Aug at 9.30pm. Please attend, new members welcome.
The new mass time schedule will begin the first week-end August as follows.
Cloonfad: Saturday 6th August 7pm – Cemetery Mass
Ballinlough: Sunday 7th August 11am
Granlahan: Sunday 7th August 12noon
Cloonfad: There will be a special Cloonfad Cemetery mass on Saturday 5th Aug at 7pm. The usual Saturday night mass will be at 8pm in Cloonfad Church commencing Saturday 13th August.
The National Novena to Our Lady of Knock takes place August 14th – 22nd August. The Theme of this years Novena is merciful like the Father
First session Sunday 14th Aug 3pm Merciful like the Father Most Rev Bishop Michael Smith. 8.30pm God and Mammon – doing the right thing by Mr Noel Smyth.
Pray for the repose of Maura Grehan, wife of the late Tom Grehan who died in London during the week, she is a sister in law of Mary Flynn Rathlena.
Care of the Churches: Ballinlough Church
Our thanks to the people of Cloonlough and Rabbitboro who took care of the flowers
during month of July. Would the people of Clooncrim and Carrick West look after them during the month of August.
Granlahan Church: We thank Group B who cared for the church during the month of July. Would Group C look after it during the month of August.
Group C: Chris Neenan. Mary Gormley, Anne Hett, Geraldine Knight and Ann Cregg
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