Newsletter 26th June 2016


The Thirteenth  Sunday of the Year  26th   June 2016


Sun 26 June 12noon John Gaffey, Islands, anniv. & his wife Bridget & deceased members of the family.

Tom Quinn, Coolougher, anniv

Tue 28 June 10am  John Anthony Keaveney, Cloonlee








Eugene Heffernan, Stonepark, anniv.


3 July 12noon Eddie McHugh, Carraghs, 3rd anniv

Padraig Keane, Dubline & Clooncrim

      Eucharistic Ministers: Church Readers:
Ballinlough Church:
Sun 3 July 12noon


Marian Carty

Loretta Garvey

Breege Comer
Granlahan Church:
Sat 2 July   8pm


Maura Caulfield

Mary Birmingham

John Coggins

Offertory Collections:

Saturday & Sunday 18th & 19th June   

Ballinlough:  €300.      Granlahan:  €390.


Heartiest congratulations & best wished to Ms Anne Shannon, a teacher in Granlahan N.S.  We thank her for her years of loyal service as a teacher and wish her health & happiness in her retirement.

Please pray for the repose of the soul of Elizabeth Winston formerly of Ballinlough who died recently in Dublin.

Padraig Keane Memorial Race will be held on Saturday 2nd July @ 3pm.  The race is to be held in aid of Croi & your support greatly appreciated.

Items for newsletter please contact 0949640155


MASS INTENTIONS:                                GRANLAHAN

Sat 25 June 8pm Willie Greene & his parents Patrick & Rose, Rathlena.

Eileen Griffin, Milltown, M.M.

Fri 1


July 10am Feast day of St Oliver Plunkett
Sat 2  July 8pm Michael & Annie Fetherston & deceased members of the Fetherston & Prendergast families, Derryvonge.

Tommy Caulfield, Coraslustia anniv. & his wife Molly


Cemetery Masses –              Granlahan Cemetery Monday 18th July 8pm

Ballinlough Cemetery  Sunday 24th July 3.30pm

Teamhair Cemetery  Monday 25th July  8pm

Cloonfad Cemetery  Saturday 6st August  7pm


The Annual Family focus week will be held in Knock Shrine mid July.  A new remembrance garden will be blessed dedicated to the memory of all deceased children on Saturday 9th July at 2pm

The Summer Collection – Many thanks to all who contributed to the collection for the support of the priest of the parish.

Irish Wheelchair Association will hold their church gate collection on Sat. 2nd & Sun. 3rd July.  Your support would be gratefully appreciated.

Granlahan sports committee are holding a sports meeting to arrange the annual sports on Monday 27th June at 9.30pm in the Commnity Centre.  More volunteers needed.

Michaela Foundation Summer Camp for Girls  11-13 years begins 18th -22nd July experience a wide range of inspiring  & entertaining ideas. Call Knock Youth Ministry on 0949388100 or visit www.the

Care of the Churches Many thanks to the people of Foxboro and Keyfield who looked after the flowers for the church during the month of June.  Would the people of Cloonlough & Rabbitboro take care of them for the month of July.

Granlahan – Sincere thanks to Group A who looked after the church during the month of June.  Would Group B – Fiona Ruane, Maureen Burke, Kathleen O’Gara, Pauline Neary

First Friday Calls – As next Friday is the 1st Friday of the month I will visit the sick as usual …..10.30am Ballinlough

11.00am Granlahan

2.30pm Cloonfad

Lough Harps Table Quiz are holding a fundraising table quiz in Campbells Bar on Friday night July 1st to fund the underage teams.  Great prizes.

Away Today Ablaze Tonight pagent of music, song & dance will be held in Kennedys at the Whitehouse Hotel on Sat. night July 2nd


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