The Sixteenth Sunday of the Year 17th July 2016 MASS INTENTIONS: BALLINLOUGH Sun 17th July 12 noon Deceased members of the Flanagan family Clooninsla. Tue 19th July 10am Mass for all the people of the parish Wed 20th July 10am Private Intention Sun Sun 24th 24th July July 12 […]
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Church Newsletters from Granlahan , Ballinlough and Cloonfad in the Parish of Kiltullagh

10th July 2016 Newsletter
The Fifteenth Sunday of the Year 10th July 2016 MASS INTENTIONS: BALLINLOUGH Sun 10th July 12 noon Deceased members of the Garvey family, Kiltimagh Jimmie &Annie Gaffney Castlertea & granddaughter Catherine and Leo Fleming John Browne Cashel, M.M. Tue 12th July 10am Mass for all the people of the parish Wed 13th July 10am Private […]
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Newsletter 26th June 2016
The Thirteenth Sunday of the Year 26th June 2016 MASS INTENTIONS BALLINLOUGH Sun 26 June 12noon John Gaffey, Islands, anniv. & his wife Bridget & deceased members of the family. Tom Quinn, Coolougher, anniv Tue 28 June 10am John Anthony Keaveney, Cloonlee Wed 29 June 10am Eugene Heffernan, Stonepark, anniv. […]
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