Newsletter February 22nd 2015





Sat. 21 Feb. 8pm. Jack & Delia Flynn, Loughill – Anniversary

Augustine & Catherine McDermott, Cloonlough – Anniv.

Patrick & Margaret O’Donovan, Ballymahon – Anniversary

Tues. 24 Feb. 10am. Private intention
Wed. 25 Feb. 10am. Mass for all the people of the Parish
Sat. 28 Feb. 8pm. Maggie McMahon, Ballinlough – 6th Anniversary

John Flanagan – 3rd Anniversary

Patrick Connell, Clooncalgy – 2nd Anniversary


Eucharistic Ministers: Church Readers
Ballinlough Church:
Sat. 28 Feb. 8 pm. Nancy Flynn

Mary Finan

Barry Forde

Seάn Tarmey

Granlahan Church:
Sun. 1 Mar. 12 noon. Tess Ronan

Joe Keane

Thomas Coffey

Noel Ward

Offertory Collections:   

Sat. & Sun. 14th & 15th February

Ballinlough:  €570.    Granlahan:  €318.


Please Pray for the repose of the souls of –

Paddy McDonagh, Cloonfad

Mary Ellen Finnerty, Farm, mother of Breda Grogan, Cloonlough

Margaret Griffin, formerly of Lisnagroobe who died recently

Mae Roff, sister of Frank Cregg, Derryvounge who died in London


Fr. Benny McHale will give a talk on Lent and Easter in the Community Centre, Granlahan on Wednesday 18th March at 8pm.  Everybody is welcome and invited to this talk.  I would ask parents/guardians of children receiving First Holy Communion and Confirmation to attend if possible.




Sun. 22 Feb. 12 noon Tim Conry and his children John, Pat & Patricia, Coraslustia – Anniversary

Mary Ronan and deceased members of the family, Lisnagroobe – Anniversary

Paddy Raftery and deceased members of the Raftery family, Clogher – Anniversary

Kate & John Joe Goulding and deceased members of the family, Coraslustia

Frank & Mary Kelly and deceased members of the family, Lisnagroobe

Fri. 27 Feb. 10 am. Private Intentions.
Sun. 1 Mar. 12 noon John & Delia Maloney, Clogher

Mary Conroy, Ballybane


Fr. Benny McHale (Athenry) will lead a pilgrimage (his 30th) to The Holy Land from 8th to 19th June and has a few places available.  If you are interested, please phone Fr. Benny on 091 844227.  Potential pilgrims are assured that The Holy Land is perfectly safe at the moment and need have no security worries.


Enterprise Kiltullagh Community Employment requires a Cleaner for the Playschool (CE Scheme – Ballinlough).  Eligibility to participate on CE is generally linked to those who are 25 years of age or over and in receipt of an Irish Social Welfare payment for 1 year or more.  Please forward C.V.’s to Enterprise Kiltullagh CES, Enterprise House, Main Street, Ballinlough, Co Roscommon or e-mail phone 094 9640959.


Granlahan Church  New seats for Granlahan church will arrive during the week.  People from the church area of Granlahan might be interested in the old seats.  Anybody interested in taking old seats should come to Granlahan church on Tuesday 24th February at 7pm when the seats will be given out.

Fatima – August 27th for 7 nights or Holy Land – October 12th for 8 nights.  If interested, contact Therese at 01 2410822 or John B at 093 28337.

Granlahan Card Game Winners – 1. Gerry Coffey, Stephen Doherty, Padraig Campbell & Tommy Geraghty.  2. Paddy Conroy & Sean Caulfield.  3. Tom & Michael Finnegan.  Raffle Winners – Maureen Burke, Seamus O’Donnell & Kevin Devaney.

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